Why it's More Important than Ever to Engage a College Counselor

Lisa Margolin, Journey Ahead

Lisa Margolin, Journey Ahead

Covid-19 has changed everything, including college admissions.

Here’s why you need a college counselor more than ever:

  • I will help navigate the changed standardized testing landscape.

  • More students will go to college closer to home in coming years, making California's many fine public universities even more competitive. I will help prepare juniors for admissions to public state universities, which are often cheaper than private colleges.

  • Not all private colleges will survive Covid-19. I will help evaluate the financial strength of targeted colleges and make recommendations on financially viable ones that offer enough aid to make attendance possible.

  • I help prepare younger students (freshmen and sophomores) for public state university admissions by suggesting the right classes, majors, and activities, as state universities become a more financially viable option for some families, but a more competitive one during Covid-19.  

Reasons families choose Journey Ahead during normal times:

  • Reduce family stress - parents know the college process is being taken care of, which eliminates worry, and reduces stress between parents and their student.

  • Professional assistance in assessing a student’s academic and social needs, and selecting colleges that meet that need — colleges that fit the student academically, socially, and fit the family financially.

  • Students will successfully complete applications, and his/her coach will make sure everything is done properly, on time, and present students’ best self.

  • Coaching and essay brainstorming, and essay review and editing. This reduces family stress, and helps students find their true voice in their applications. Students and parents often clash over the content of these essays, when a coach is not present.

  • Financial aid understanding and family support.

We are open and seeing families virtually. Call 619-417-9242 or visit www.jacounselors.com

Covid-19 Updates for HS Juniors and Sophomores

The college admissions landscape is changing rapidly and I will keep you updated when I have new information to share.


Nothing has changed regarding testing since my last post, but it bears repeating because there is some confusing information out there.


All colleges in the UC System have eliminated the requirement for current juniors to submit SAT or ACT testing when they apply this fall. So far, this is only applicable to current juniors. Some of my students have UCs on their list, and some don’t. My advice is for juniors to take SAT and ACT as soon as they can, for colleges that have not eliminated the requirement.

Three popular colleges for California students have recently gone test-optional. This means students do not need to submit testing when applying from now forward: Chapman University, University of Redlands, and the University of Oregon. It still makes sense for some students to submit testing to these colleges, for reasons we will discuss individually. Therefore, my advice is for juniors to take SAT and ACT as soon as they can.


The May testing date has been canceled. The next planned test date is June 6, but that may be canceled also. Juniors, please register for the next date available, as soon as it is available. Expect large numbers of students trying to register for the nearest upcoming date. Find updated information here.


The April 4 test date was rescheduled to June 13. The next available test after that is July 18. Take the June test or register for the July test as soon as possible, and expect large numbers of students to try to register. Find updated information here.


Students who are currently taking AP classes should take the new online version of the AP test —sophomores and juniors to strengthen their college applications and obtain college credit for passing the test. For example, the UC System offers college credit for scores 3 and above. The test will be administered in May, and taken at home. More details on AP testing are available here.

Juniors, while you are at home, it is a GREAT time to study online for the SAT or ACT.

It’s also a great time to work hard to make your high school grades the best they can be. A friend who is a graduating senior at Brown University has offered to tutor my students in any subject for free. To take advantage of this, let me know and I will connect you.

Evaluating Colleges You Can’t Visit

A new tool is available for students to view virtual tours, events and information sessions from over 500 colleges. It is being updated in real-time by college counselors all over the country. Please look for your colleges and continue researching.

Covid-19 Updates - Class of 2020 Students and Parents

The college admissions landscape is changing quickly, and I will post updates as often as makes sense.

Finishing High School Strong

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it can be very hard to stay motivated to finish high school right now, since learning at home can be difficult for a variety of reasons. But I want to encourage you to work as hard as you can, and learn as much as you can, despite these challenges. You should know that some HS students less fortunate than us have no internet, or no computer, or a variety of other reasons they can’t finish school and may actually have to repeat a year. My students are not in this situation, and we need to be grateful for that and keep studying.

HS Grades and Transcripts

Colleges are starting to announce that they are making more allowances for accepting pass/fail rather than letter grades, and late-arriving final transcripts, so that students don’t have to stress about how whether their HS’s grading system will affect their ability to matriculate. It is extremely unlikely that your choice college will disallow your HS’s grading system, or will penalize you for presenting a transcript late.

Making College Decisions

A new tool is available for students to view virtual tours, events and information sessions from over 500 colleges. It is being updated in real-time by college counselors all over the country. Please look for your colleges and continue researching to make your best admissions decision. Also, there are ways to meet virtually with students at colleges you’re considering, and set meetings with college admissions officers and professors if you need to learn more before making a decision. Ask me to guide you if you are still trying to decide which college to attend.

Depositing by May 1

Most colleges, including all of the California public colleges as of this posting, are still requiring you to submit a deposit by May 1 if you plan to attend in the fall. Some colleges have pushed that date to June 1. Even if you have secured a place on one or more waitlists, make sure to submit your deposit to and accepted college by the deposit date. If you need more time than May 1, contact your choice college and ask if they can push the deadline for you.


Once you are certain you do not want to be placed on a college’s waitlist, decline the waitlist offer, or remove yourself from an already accepted waitlist offer. This makes room for other students who wish to remain on the waitlist and are waiting for an offer. Similarly, if you have received an admissinos offer from a college you are definitely not attending, you may go ahead and decline the offer now, to make room for students on the waitlist.

Testing Update Amid Covid-19


Changes in standardized testing is one of the most fluid issues in college readiness as a result of Covid-19. As of this writing, these are updates you should be aware of regarding SAT, ACT, and AP testing.

The University of California announced that all of its universities will waive standardized tests (SAT and ACT) for applicants for the 2021-2022 school. This means that current juniors will not have to submit standardized test scores when they apply to a UC next fall. However, this does not change the selectivity level of the UCs, and students should understand that simply because standardized testing is not required, the UCs will remain highly selective.

Similarly, many other colleges have become test-optional for the upcoming application season due to Covid-19 or permanently, including Chapman University, University of Redlands and the University of Oregon. As always, if you can benefit from applying test-optional, your Journey Ahead counselor will discuss the pros and cons of applying without testing.


The May testing date has been canceled. The next planned test date is June 6, but that may be canceled also. Juniors, please register for the next date available, as soon as it is available. Expect large numbers of students trying to register for the nearest upcoming date. Find updated information here.


The April 4 test date has been rescheduled to June 13. The next available test after that is July 18. Take the June test or register for the July test as soon as possible, and expect large numbers of students to try to register. Find updated information here.


Students who are currently taking AP classes should take the new online version of the AP test — juniors to strengthen their college applications, and seniors to obtain college credit for passing the test. For example, the UC System offers college credit for scores 3 and above. The test will be administered in May, and taken at home. More details on AP testing are available here.

Juniors, while you are at home, it is a GREAT time to study online for the SAT or ACT.

It’s also a great time to work hard to make your junior year grades the best they can be. A friend who is a graduating senior at Brown University has offered to tutor my students in any subject for free. To take advantage of this, let me know and I will connect you.

Making College Decisions in Unprecedented Times

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We’ve long felt that the campus visit was the best way to learn about the colleges you are considering, so you can judge college fit and picture yourself living on campus and participating in the college community.  But now, with campuses closed due to the coronavirus outbreak, students sent home and the San Diego area under stay-at-home orders, juniors and seniors need back-up plans.


Most seniors were hoping to attend accepted student days or revisit campuses and possibly attend a class or stay overnight in a dorm.  What should seniors do now to help choose between admitted colleges?

Begin by checking on your colleges’ plans for virtual accepted student days. Sign up for the Facebook Accepted Student groups for each of the colleges on your shortlist and engage with the group members. Reach out to your regional admission representative via phone or email. Ask for their recommendation on how best to virtually experience the college. See if they can connect you with a student ambassador online or put you in touch with a current student in your intended major. Use social media to get a better feel for campus life.  YouTube videos, Instagram and Snapchat are all useful here.

Explore the college website. Check out curriculum requirements for your intended major. If undecided, investigate advising resources for students unsure of their path. Go to the student life section and check on student groups and organizations.  Are there groups you are eager to join?

Attend virtual tours on a variety of sites.

Finally, make a spreadsheet of pros and cons. List all of your “must haves” and compare.  Don’t forget the financial aspect—which colleges have offered you aid, what will your net cost of attending be, how long will it take you to complete your degree?

Be sure to check each college’s final enrollment date. Although traditionally May 1, there are a growing number of colleges that have pushed their deadline to June 1 to help students make better informed decisions.


Juniors were looking forward to spring break college tours to help decide their application list.  Without the traditional campus visit, you’ll need to utilize other resources.  Virtual tours through YouVisit or Campus Reel or YouTube provide college-produced videos and those uploaded by current and prospective students. 

Dive deeply into the college websites. Review the mission statements, academics and student life sections. Read the colleges’ newspapers to get an idea of issues that concern different student groups. Reach out to your regional admission officer asking how you can best experience their institution virtually. See if they can connect you to a student ambassador online. Ask about the admission officer’s plans for visiting your area or high school in late spring or summer. When you have real questions about the college, reach out to your admission officer and ask them. Be aware, too, that many requirements for the class of 2021 may change. Make sure that you are on the college’s prospective student list so they will keep you informed about changes and or meetings.

If you have carefully researched the colleges on your application list, you’ll know which ones will be most important to visit once you are able to do so.  

Appealing Financial Aid Award Amid Covid-19


Families who are suffering financial hardship due to job loss or income reduction from Covid-19 can consider appealing their financial aid award offer from their student’s top choice college.

Colleges will generally reconsider awards for two reasons:1) the EFC from the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) has changed due to a change in the family’s financial situation because of an illness, unemployment or significant drop in income, or 2) there is a competing offer from another college.

Financial aid administrators have the authority to make adjustments to the financial aid package on a case-by-case basis. They will use their professional judgment in cases where an employer may close for a period of time or if a parent was laid off due to the virus. Documentation will be required, and parents should contact the financial aid office at their child’s college to present their case. Colleges will require an appeal in writing, and additional documentation. Parents may want to do this for each of their child’s top choices, since each college administrator may present a different package.

If you plan to appeal your student’s financial aid award and you’d like to discuss strategies with me, please call me.

Spring Admissions

Over the past few years, many colleges and universities have received huge increases in their volume of applications. There has also been a sharp rise in the number of students choosing to apply early. As a result, admit rates have dropped, some classes have increased in size, and residence halls are groaning under the weight of so many students! Students living in triples and even quad rooms is common.


These and other space constraints have prompted some colleges to offer a select number of students the option of spring admission. Spring seats open up after December graduates have left, and when study abroad students are no longer on campus. Colleges will typically offer this opportunity to high-achieving students who exhibit evidence of independence, leadership and flexibility. Students who are offered January enrollment must first pay their enrollment fees to secure their spot. Colleges will want to understand their plans under consideration for fall semester and will likely encourage classes, travel, community service or employment. During the fall, these students will be contacted for housing and meal plan options and will attend a first-year orientation before arriving on campus in January. Students who accept the offer cannot enroll elsewhere or defer their enrollment to the following fall.

One of the main concerns first-year students have about entering college in spring is whether they can still graduate on-time with their peers. The answer is almost always YES.  Spring students must work closely with an academic advisor to select the right coursework to stay on track. Some students choose to complete coursework at a local community college during the summer or over winter break – again, talk to your advisor first because it is imperative to select transferable courses. Spring admits may also want to study abroad and this is also doable. 

Some spring admits may worry about coursework within their major that is offered in strict sequence. Examples of this may be in the fields of mathematics and science.  For example, Calculus 1 may only be available in the fall and required of an engineering major before entering a specific Physics class in the spring. Pre-health students wishing to complete Organic Chemistry may find that Chemistry 2 is a prerequisite, but if Chemistry 1 is offered only in the fall, they may have to wait to start the sequence. Again, as soon as you are clear on accepting spring admission, look into course sequences and prerequisites, and talk to your academic advisor. 

Some spring admits report transition challenges: fall first-years have already built friendship bonds, spring orientation rarely has the fanfare of the big fall orientation programs, and it may be harder to learn about clubs and organizations. But look on the bright side – the smaller size of spring orientation will mean a more relaxed atmosphere and more one-on-one conversations with students and faculty are possible. Residence hall advisors create programming to ensure that newbies are quickly connected to other students. Make sure you also learn about any financial aid implications to spring entry. Some colleges also require that students live on-campus for a semester before being able to join a sorority or fraternity.

For many students, being a spring first-year is a wonderful opportunity. Treat the fall semester off’ like a mini-gap year and explore your many options. Consider an internship and start building your resume; take classes to accelerate your major completion, if the spring college allows; or just get a job and save money. 

Appealing your Financial Aid Award

If your first-choice college offers everything you want but the price tag is making you cringe, consider appealing your financial aid award.  While colleges and universities don’t encourage it, the financial aid officers are empowered to make adjustments, if warranted. 

To appeal, do the following: 


Do not deposit until you’ve settled the financial aid discussion. Once they have your money, colleges will be less motivated to offer a better deal. 

Be realistic. Show the college that this is a partnership that you want to be part of, but need just a bit more assistance. Know exactly what you CAN afford. If your Expected Family Contribution (EFC) is more than the cost of tuition, then make sure that your request makes sense. Do your homework and negotiate in good faith. 

Be informed. Make sure you have researched the specific financial aid policies at each college before entering into a conversation with them. Don’t contact a college, touting fabulous grades and awesome SAT scores, only to find out that the school offers only need-based financial aid but gives no merit aid awards. 

Many colleges offer “preferential packaging” – a practice in which they will meet a larger share of financial need based on the academic stats of the student, i.e., stronger grades and test scores will receive more money. Take a look to see if your test scores are in the “middle 50” or in the “top 25.” There will be more money at schools where the student’s scores raise the school’s profile. 

Be prepared. Colleges will generally reconsider awards for just two reasons:1) the EFC from the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) was incorrect due to a change in the family’s financial situation because of an illness or unemployment, or 2) there is a competing offer from another college. If you plan to mention the competing offer, be prepared to share a copy of the award letter to the financial aid office. 

Ask about “second chance” or conditional aid. See if the college is willing to add any additional aid if you complete senior year with straight A’s.

Send a letter. Put all of your reasons down in writing and ask for a follow-up meeting, in person if possible or by phone. 

Stay cordial and don’t become desperate or melodramatic. Any college that accepted you will now want to do what it can to help you enroll.  Respectfully assure the financial aid officer that this is your first choice for college and ask if they can help you to make this a viable option for your family.  It never hurts to ask!